Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Computer Science & Engineering Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
M.E. (Computer Engineering) – Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS), Indore, M.P.
Work experience
- Assistant Professor at IES IPS Academy, Indore (Aug 15-Aug16).
- Assistant Professor at Swami Vivekanand College of Engineering, Indore (March 14-Aug15).
Awards and Achievements
- GATE – Computer Science and information Technology (CS).
- A certificate issued by Coursera (University of Michigan) to learn about basic understanding of Python.
- A certificate issued by Coursera (EIT Digital), to learn about automated reasoning.
- A Certificate issued by AICTE in online mode organised by School of Technology, North Easter Hill University, Shillong.
- A certificate issued by AICTE in online mode organised by IIT, Naya Raipur.
- Direction Based Routing Algorithm in VANETs Tool: NS-3.15 (2014).
- Analysis of dynamic source routing protocol performance in Mobile ad hoc networks Tool: NS-2.31 (2011).
Research and Publications
- LDES: Detector Design for Version Number Attack Detection using Linear Temporal Logic based on Discrete Event System. Journal: International Journal of Information Security (Springer) (Scopus, SCIE, IF=2,427).
- DADCNF: Diagnoser Design for Duplicate Address Detection threat using Conjunctive Normal Form. Journal: Computer Networks (Elsevier) (Scopus, SCIE IF=5,493)
- Diagnoser Design Strategy for Discrete Event Systems: Case Study of Neutralisation System. Journal: Advanced Control for Applications (Wiley) (Scopus).
Extra/Co-Curricular Activities
- Served as a Reviewer at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent computing (ANTIC-2022) held in hybrid node at Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India during December 22-24, 2022.
- Participated in blood donation campaign organised by AIIMS Raipur at IIT Bhilai on 23 April 2022.
- Participated in National workshop organized by IIT Bhilai on "Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights”, 24 August 2019.
- Attended National Seminar on "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS” at IES IPSA, Indore in 2016.
- Attended National Seminar "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” at IES IPSA, Indore in 2015.
- Stood 3rd Asphyxiator (Manual Robot Race) Aayaam 2012 held at SGSITS.
- Selected as a School Sports Captain for 2006-2007.
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