PhD in Computer Engineering from SVKMs NMIMS Mumbai.
M. E. in Computer Engineering from, R.C. Patel Institute of Technology Shirpur.
B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from, Dr. BATU Lonere.
Area of Specialization
- Machine Learning with Image Processing
Work Experience: (17 Years) Since Feb 2008 (Teaching)
Major PortfolioHandled:
- Worked as a Department Head for the Department of Information Technology ( 2012 to 2014).
- Website Administrator MPSTME Shirpur ( 2015 to till date)
- InCharge Community Service MPSTME Shirpur ( 2021 to till date)
- InCharge Center of Excellence.
- Industrial Visit Co-Ordinator
- InCharge Pragati Social Cell
- InCharge NMMUN
Professional Membership
- CSI Membership 2016-17 (Membership no: F8000435)
- ACM Membership for year 2016-2017 (Membership no: 7840149)
- ISTE Membership Life time Membership (Membership no: 112662)
- Reviewer for Journal "Applied Soft Computing”
- Mission 10x Training on” Dale Cardenalie” from Wipro. Mission 10x Training composed of” Dale Cardenalie” and "High Impact Teaching Skills” from Wipro. 2011.
- Prashant Udawant and Pravin Srinath, "Cotton Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Instance Segmentation”, Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT), ISSN: 1548-7717, volume-24, Issue-04, 2022. (Web of Science, Scopus Indexed)
- Prashant Udawant and Pravin Srinath, "Leaf Diagnosis using Transfer Learning”, Applied Information Processing Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1354, 2022, Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Indexed)
- Prashant Udawant, Anjali Chaliha, Saransh Goyal and Kritagya Gupta, "Cotton Plant Leaf Diseases: A Brief Survey”, International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, Volume 2, Issue 10, October2021.
- Prashant Udawant, Tejaswi Pallapothu, Harshita Nangia, Manmeet Singh and Riya Sinha”, "Cotton Plant Disease Detection”, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Volume 06, Issue 05, 2020.
- Prashant Udawant and Pravin Srinath, "Diseased Portion Classification and Recognition of Cotton Plants using Convolution Neural Networks”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), ISSN: 2249–8958, Volume-8, Issue-6, pp 3492-96, August 2019.(Scopus Indexed)
- Nitin Choubey & Prashant Udawant, "Study Of Rose Plant Diseases And Its Identification With Modern Automation Techniques”, International Journal of Current Research, June 2017. Volume 09; Issue 06; June 2017.
- J ,Ashish .S , Shreyash.A , Rishi.A ,Prashant.U, "Opinion Mining and Improvised Algorithm for Feature Reduction in Sentiment Analysis”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application ( Part -2) April 2017. ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp.14-19
- Rishabh Sinha, Prashant Udawant. "ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS FROM COMMON ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND ITS IMPLICATION ON HUMAN HEALTH", International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), April 2017. ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.220-224.
- Journal IJTEP, "Progressive SWOT Analysis of "E” – Textile Industries”, Vol.2 Issu.1, January 2016.
- ASEE International Forum, Seattle, Washington , "Analysis of Improved Pedagogy Applied for Teaching courses related to Computer Programming for First Year Engineering Programs " Paper presented June 2015.
- International IEEE Conference at Nirma University, Ahmadabad. "Hybrid Genetic-Ant Algorithm Optimization for Continuous Functions”, 2012.
- Journal IJERIA, Pune, "A Study of Combined Genetic Ant Algorithm for Continuous Domain” Ascent Publication. 2012.
- International Conference ICWET at Mumbai, "A Novel Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Distributed Systems Design.” 2012.
- International Conference I-CORT at Pune, "Object Oriented Programming A New Context in Modernization”.2012
- International Conference I-CORT at Pune, "Modern Approach to Reference Variable with Arithmatic Variable”. 2012
- "Go Programming” International Conference on Science Engineering & Spirituality, Navalnagar, Dhule (MS). 2009
- "Near field Communication” National Conference on Information Technology at KES Society’s College of Engg. & Information Technology, Jalgaon. 2009
- "Need of Spirituality in Modern Education” Avishkar- State level Inter-university Research Festival. 2010
- "Agile Process Model” National Level Paper presentation in Convergence’11 at R.C. P.I. T, Shirpur. 2011
- National Conference NCETCT at Shirpur, "A Study on Modern Way to Use Reference Variable with Arithmetic Variable” 2012.
Book Chapters published: Prashant Udawant, Akashdeep Singh, Ankit Agrawal, Pratik Patil, Priyanshu Pal, "A NEW WAY TO FIND WAY USING DEPTH DIRECTION A*” , Advances in Data and Information Sciences , in Springer Book Series "Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems" ,978-981-10-8359-4, Kolhe et al (eds.).
Seminars/ Workshops/Conferences Attended
International Conferences Attended: -
- Preconference of IPSCON 2017, on Future Healthcare: ‘Sensing Disease and role of IoT in HealthCare’, On 14 feb 2018.
- Attended International Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence in Health care at SVKM’s NMIMS Shirpur campus, "Opinion Mining and Improvised Algorithm for Feature Reduction in Sentiment Analysis”, Dec 2016.
- AttendedNational Level Conference on Emerging Trends and Practices in Science, Humanities and Management, ETPSHM-17 , at MPSTME, Shirpur. Feb 2017.
Workshops/FDPs Attended: -
- One-WeekFDP on Pattern Recognition & Image Analysis at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. during 15 December 2017 to 19 December 2017.
- One-WeekFDP on Computational Intelligence& its Applications in Science and Engineering (CiASE) at Siddarth Institute of Engineering & Technology, vijaywada during 24 April 2017 to 28 April 2017.
- One weekSTTP "Innovations Towards Learner Centric Pedagogy - II” organized by SVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME, Mumbai. 21-25 Nov 2016.
- One week STTP "Introduction to design of Algorithms” Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at MPSTME, Shirpur. May 2015.
- Three days STTP "Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education” Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at MPSTME, Shirpur. January 2015.
- Two week STTP "Control Systems” Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at MPSTME, Shirpur. Dec 2014.
- Two days ISTE e-seminar on "Step to Research” Organized by Department of CSI Amal Jyoti College of engineering Kerla. September 2014.
- One week STTP "Computer Networking” Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at MPSTME, Shirpur. July 2014.
- One week STTP "Computer Programming” Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at MPSTME, Shirpur. June 2014.
- Two week STTP "Database management System” Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at MPSTME, Shirpur. May 2013.
- Advanced Automation Training Program at BOSCH, Germany. 2013
- Automation Training Program at BOSCH Training Centre, Mysore. 2013
- One week STTP "Research Methodology” Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at RCPIT, Shirpur. June 2012.
- Three Days STTP on "Effective Paper Writing” Organized by IIT Mumbai at RCPIT Shirpur. 2012.
- Mission 10x Training on” Dale Cardenalie” from Wipro. Mission 10x Training composed of” Dale Cardenalie” and "High Impact Teaching Skills” from Wipro. 2011.
- Workshop on "Research Methodology” at RCPIT, Shirpur. 2011.
- Completed course on Advance English Conversation organized by Indo- American Society. 2007.
- Certified Course in C
- Training at Videocon Appliances Ltd. Aurangabad.
Coursera Certifications:
- Art of Negotiation
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Design Patterns
- Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity
Official Email Id