Ph.D. (Computer Engineering), ME (Computer Engineering) from Kavayitri Bahinabai
Chaudhari North Maharashtra University (KBCNMU), Jalgaon.
BE (Computer Science and Engineering) from Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Area of Specialization
Work Experience: (16+ Years)
Awards & Achievements
Funded Project
Successfully completed a funded project under the Seed Grant Scheme of SVKM's NMIMS University in 2018, titled "Design of Software Robot for Online Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics."
Workshop Conducted:
Selected Publications
Suraj Patil, Dnyaneshwar K. Kirange , "A Novel Hybrid U-Net with Custom Triplet Flatten Loss Function For Liver Lesion Detection”, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, UGC Approved Scopus Index Journal, ISSN:1793-8201, IJCTE 2023 Vol.15(2):82-89, May 2023, DOI:
Suraj Patil, Dnyaneshwar K. Kirange, " An Optimized Deep Learning Model With Feature Fusion For Brain Tumor Detection”, International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, UGC Approved Web of Science ESCI, ISSN: 229-4678, online ISSN: 0976-5034, Vol 14, 1 Feb 2023, DOI:
Suraj Patil, Dnyaneshwar K. Kirange, "Improved Salp Swarm Optimization-based Fuzzy Centroid Region Growing for Liver Tumor Segmentation and Deep Learning-Oriented Classification”, Published in International Journal of Next-Generation Computing(IJNGC), UGC Approved Web of Science ESCI, ISSN: 229-4678,online ISSN: 0976-5034, Vol 14, 2 April 2022,DOI:
Suraj Patil, Dnyaneshwar K. Kirange, "Ensemble of Deep Learning Model for Brain Tumor Detection”, Presented in International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE-2022), held at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India, published in Procedia Computer Science , Elsevier, Scopus Index,,2023,Pages:2468-2479,7-8Sep2022,DOI:
Suraj Patil, Dnyaneshwar K. Kirange, "A Survey on Deep Learning Methods for Brain Tumor and Liver Lesion Detection”, Presented in International Conference on Global Entrepreneurship Trends and Empowerment Through Innovation(ICGETEI-2021) held at Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, published in proceedings of Advances in Intelligent Applications and Innovative Approach, Scopus Index,2023, DOI:
Vaishnavi Jariwala, Suraj Patil, Dhananjay Joshi, "Predicting COVID-19 using Deep Learning: A comparative study”, published in the Procedia of congress on Intelligent System, Scopus Indes, Sep 2023.doi:
Suraj Patil, Dnyaneshwar K. Kirange, Varsha Nemade, "Predictive Modelling of Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning”, Journal of Critical Reviews, Scopus Index ISSN:2394-5125, Vol-7 Issue o4 2020.
Vraj Shah, Karan Dev, Aman Agarwl, Suraj Patil, "Foster Hash Tag from Image and Text”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET), ISSN-2395-0056, Volume 6 Issue 2, March 2019, Impact factor 7.3
Suraj Patil, Varsha Nemade, Piyush Kumar Soni, "Predictive Modelling for credit card fraud detection using data analytics”, Procedia Computer Science Elsevier, May 2018
Varsha Nemade, Suraj Patil, "Various Techniques for Detection of Plant”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN, Special Issue, 20-25, Aug 2018
Suraj Patil, "Modified Path Traversal for an Efficient Web Navigation Mining” is accepted for 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication, Control & Computing Technologies (ICACCCT) in 2014.
Suraj Patil, "Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Cloud Computing Environment using priority based virtual machine” is presented at International Conference on Advance Communication control and Computing Technologies in 2014.
Suraj Patil, T. M. Patewar, "Efficient Mining And Hiding of Sensitive Rules" is published in IEEE explore held at Third Nirma University International Conference On Engineering NUICONE-2012,NIRMA University, India, Issue 2, pp. 13-17, 73-74 DEC, 2012.
NandhaKishore Borse,Suraj Patil,Nihit Agarwal, A Paper "Survey on a personalized Ontology model for Web information gathering” published in International Journal of Science and Research(IJSR), ISSN:2319:7064 2013 vol-3,issue 5, page 1696-1700, May 2014.
Suraj Patil, "The Novel Approach for Improving Apriori Algorithm for Mining Association Rule”, Proceedings of National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Computer Technology NCETCT-2012, Shirpur, Dhule, India, 2012
Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences Presented.
FDPs/ MOOCs/Coursera Certifications: (Please include only FDP/Refresher courses/MOOCS)
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