Assistant Professor
PhD* (Computer Science & Engineering)-Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur (*Pursuing)
M.E. (Computer Science & Engineering)-Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded
B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering)-Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati
Area of Interest
- Machine Learning
- Topological Data Analysis
Work experience
- 3 years and 6 months – Academic experience as a Lecturer at Anuradha Engineering College, Chikhli, Dist-Buldana. MS (22nd June 2011 to 30th June 2014 and 1st Jan 2010 to 15th Sep 2010)
- 9 years and 7 months - Academic experience as an Assistant Professor at SVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME Shirpur Campus (30th June 2015 onwards).
Professional Membership
- ISTE (LM 112665)
- Soft Computing Research Society (2023-06-21-2297)
Awards & Achievements
- Certified Visual Business Analyst: Exploration and Design Using SAS Visual Analytics
- Awarded as Best Faculty for the academic year 2021-2022 from SVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME Shirpur
- Received Best Paper Award for the paper "Topological Data Analysis: A Novel and Efficient Approach for Feature Extraction" at International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC-2021) hosted by SUR University College, OMAN, Sponsored by Soft Computing Research Society, October 03-04, 2021
- Received a letter of Appreciation for extensive contribution to the initiative, ‘Learn to Teach with NMIMS Shirpur.’
- Received a letter of Appreciation for contributing to the IBM ICE Program as faculty coordinator
Research and Publications
- Milan Joshi, Dhananjay Joshi, "Topological Data Analysis Based Feature Selection for Predicting Fatigue Strength of Steel Using Machine Learning”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging trends in Manufacturing, Engines and Modelling (ICEMEM -2019) 23-24 December 2019, Shirpur, India [Paper Published 1 March 2020 Published under license by IOP Publishing Ltd]
- Milan Joshi, Dhananjay Joshi, "A survey of Topological Data Analysis Methods for Big Data in Healthcare Intelligence", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 2 (2019) pp. 584-588, Feb-19
- Piyush Mishra, Ronit Parikh, Pallavi Sharma, Romit Parikh, Dhananjay Joshi, "Automatic Content Analyzer", International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol 5 Issue-2, April-19
- Shashikant Patil, Pravin Wararkar, Dhananjay Joshi, and Ashish Awate, "Comprehensive Study & Overview of Neural Networks for Classification of Diseases", International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2018, PP 19-27
- D . L. Joshi, M. A. Joshi, A. A. Dande and P. Wararkar, "A Review on Cloud Framework for Healthcare Analytics", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol-5, Issue-7, PP No 131-134, July 17
- Kanak Sharma, Ashish Sharma, Dhananjay Joshi, "EQC: A Novel Approach to applying NLP in Academic Applications”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vol-4 Issue-4, PP No:2843-2847, April 2017.
- Kanak Sharmaa, Ashish Sharma, Dhananjay Joshi, Nikhil Vyas, Arpit Bapna, "A Review of Text Mining Techniques and Applications ", in International Journal of Computer, Vol 24 Issue-1 PP No 170-176, March-17
Book Chapters published:
- Joshi M., Joshi D., Sharma V. (2020) Persistent Homology Techniques for Big Data and Machine Intelligence: A Survey. In: Agarwal S., Verma S., Agrawal D. (eds) Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing. MISP 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1085. Springer, Singapore.
- Dhananjay Joshi, Dr. Nitin Choubey and Rajani Kumari, "Brain Tumor Diagnosis " in Sandeep Kumar, Anand Nayyar, Anand Paul (eds) Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Healthcare and Drug Development. CRC Press, Nov 2019.
- Dhananjay Joshi, Kapil Nagwanshi, Nitin Choubey, Milan Joshi, Sunil Pathak. "Topological Data Analysis - A Novel and Effective Approach for Feature Extraction”, International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2021), Organized by. Sur University College, Oman. Technically Sponsored by. Soft Computing Research Society. October 03-04, 2021. (Springer)
STTP / Workshop Attended
- FDP on, "Empowering Educators with Generative AI” conducted by SVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME, Shirpur, 16-20 December 24
- Online FDP on, "Recent Advances in Computer Vision: Applications and Implementation” conducted by NIT Rourkela, 6-10 December 24
- Short Term Course (STC) cum Faculty Development Program (FDP) in AMLST-2024, conducted by NIT Rourkela, 24-28 January 2024
- Online FDP on "Generative AI: Concern and Solution”, conducted by ISTE, 18-22 December 2023
- Online NPTEL workshop on, "Leveraging Generative AI for Teaching Programming Course”, conducted by NPTEL on 10-11 & 17-18 June 2023
- Teach the Trainer (T3) workshop on, "Social Web and Mobile Analytics” conducted online by the IBM ICE Team, 15-17 September, 2021
- Teach the Trainer (T3) workshop on, "Pattern Recognition and Anomaly Detection” conducted online by the IBM ICE Team, 7-11 June 2021
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academic online FDP on "Data Science” at National Institute of Technology Agartala, from 1-5 Feb 2021.
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academic online FDP on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” at MVJ College of Engineering, from 18-22 January 2021.
- Teach the Trainer (T3) workshop on, "Machine Learning” conducted online by the IBM ICE Team, 22-25 July 2020.
- Five Day TEQIP-III Sponsored Faculty Development Program on "Advances in Nature Inspired Algorithm” organized by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota and Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur held from 21/09/2020 to 25/09/2020.
- One-week faculty development programme on ''Walk Through in Python for Machine Learning'' organized by Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology Thanjavur from 18.06.2020 to 24.06.2020.
- One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on "PHP & MySQL”, organized by Department of Computer Engineering, R.C.Patel Polytechnic, Shirpur & Spoken Tutorial, from 8thJune 2020 to 13th June 2020.
- One week online FDP on "Python” conducted by SVKM's IoT, Dhule and Spoken-Tutorial from 1stJune to 07th June, 2020.
- One week online FDP on "Data Processing & Data Visualization Using Python” conducted by Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur from 26thMay to 30th May 2020.
- Two days online FDP on "ML and AI Using COVID-19 Data Analysis” conducted by Finland Lab and IIT Rookee from 16thand 17th May 2020.
- Two week online FDP on "Java Programming”, conducted by SVKM's IoT, Dhule and Spoken-Tutorial from 30 April to 14 May 2020.
- One week online FDP on "Basics of R Programming”, conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh and Spoken-Tutorial from 29 April 2020 to 03 May 2020.
- One week online FDP on "Programming in C++”, conducted by NPTEL & AICTE, January-March 2019.
- One week online FDP on "Programming in Java”, conducted by NPTEL & AICTE, January-April 2019.
- Two week FDP on "Foundation Program in ICT for Education”, conducted by IIT Bombay, from August 03, 2017 to September 07, 2017.
- Two week FDP on "Pedagogy for online and Blended Teaching Learning Process”, conducted by IIT Bombay, from September 14, 2017 to October 12, 2017.
- Participated in one-week workshop on "Data Analytics and Machine Learning with R-2017” at MNNIT Allahabad from 29thMay to 2nd June 2017.
- Participated in One Week ISTE Approved Faculty Development Program on "Optimization Techniques in Engineering Applications”, from 14thto 18th December 2015 at SVKM.s NMIMS MPSTME Shirpur.
- Participated in Two-week ISTE STTP on "Computer Programming(MWCS101.1x)” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in blended mode, from July 16, 2015 to December 21, 2015.
- Participated in Two days’ workshop on "Counselling and Mentoring Skills”, 9th& 10th July 2015, at SVKM.s NMIMS MPSTME Shirpur.
- Participated in ISO 9001:2008 Internal Auditor Course(VINCOTEE), Jan 2012
- Participated five days Induction Training Program for Engineering College Teachers at Amravati June, 2010.
International Conferences Attended
- Attended International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2024) 28th-29th November 2024 at UPES Dehradun, India
- Attended DST–SERB Sponsored International Conference on Digital Technology Vision 2030: Transforming Healthcare, Education and Industry (ICDTV- 2030) Feb. 17-18, 2024 at SVKM’s NMIMS, Shirpur
- Attended 3rd International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCCT 2021), RTU TEQIP-III Sponsored, Jointly Organized in Virtual Format by Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur and Rajasthan Technical University Kota in Association with Soft Computing Research Society from February 27 to February 28, 2021
- Attended International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-20), from 20thJanuary to 22nd January 2020 at Amity University, Jaipur, and Rajasthan, India.
- Attended 2nd International Conference on Emerging trends in Manufacturing, Engines and Modelling (ICEMEM -2019), from 23 December to 24 December 2019 at NMIMS MPSTME Shirpur, India.
- Attended International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-19), from 26thFebruary 28th February 2019 at Amity University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Attended International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Health Care (IC-AIHC-2016), from 27thDecember to 28th December 2016 at SVKM.s NMIMS MPSTME Shirpur, India.
Expert Talks/ Invited Lectures / Seminars / Workshops / Conferences Organized/Conducted
- Invited as session chair in international conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and management (SUSCOM-2020) in Jan, 20-22, 2020 at Amity University Jaipur, Rajasthan.
- Worked as a Program Committee Member and Reviewer in "Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2020 World Conference in Virtual Format)” held online during September 05‐06, 2020 in India, Organised by Soft Computing Research Society.
- Invited as resource person in One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Python for Data Science” (online) dated 27thMay to 31st May 2022 in association with ISTE Local Chapter, VBKCOE, Malkapur, and The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI) Aurangabad Local Centre
Extra/Co-Curricular Activities
- SPOC Smart India Hacathon-2024
- Faculty Coordinator for IBM ICE program 2021-2024
- Faculty Advisor for Google Developer Student Club for class 2021-22, 22-23 and 23-24.
- Faculty Coordinator for Learn Tech with NMIMS Shirpur 2021-till date
Official Email Id
LinkedIn Profile: