Assistant Professor
M.E. Computer Science & Engineering – S D B C T, Indore
B.E. Computer Science & Engineering - S D B C T, Indore
Area of Interest
Mobile Application Development, JAVA Programming, Cloud Computing, DBMS, Software Engineering
Work experience
Since May 2011
- 4+ Years - Industrial experience as a Android Developer at "EPS Infotech” and "Aqua Soft Solutions”.
Industrial Projects/Consultancy undertaken
- Title : Cash counter based on bill payment & recharge
- Company : EPS Infotech
- Title : CPV based on customer personal verification for all idea SIM
- Company : EPS Infotech
- Title : KGK based on online dealing with diamond
- Company : EPS Infotech
- Title : Rozana Vendor, Customer, Management, Delivery Boy, Analytic
- Company : EPS Infotech
Research and Publications
- "Improving cloud server resource management in uncertain load condition using ACO and linear regression”, ICANI 2018 and published in AISC, vol 870. Springer, Singapore.
- "Uncertain cloud resource provisioning using the predictive approach”, IEEE, ICICIC, Indore, 2017 pp. 1-7.
STTPs/Workshops Attended
- 45 days industrial training from "Info Centroid Software Solution Indore.
Official Email Id