Area of Interest
Product Design, Mechatronics System Design, Remanufacturing Engineering.
Work experience
Since July 1999
- 2 Years- Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, ACET, Malad, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India ( July 1999 to July 2001)
- 1 Years - Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, RMCET, Devrukh, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra,India ( Feb 2004 to Sept 2004).
- 3 Years - Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Pillai’s Institute of information Technology, Panvel, Navi Mumbai (Sept 2004 to July 2007).
- 4 Years – Sr. Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, SVKM’s NMIMS, MPSTME, Shirpur Campus, Maharashtra ,India ( Aug. 2004 to Sept 2011).
- 13 Years – Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, SVKM’s NMIMS, MPSTME, Shirpur Campus, Maharashtra ,India (Oct 2011 to Till date).
Professional Membership
- Life Member Indian Society of Technical Education
Awards and Achievements
- Trainer in Automation (Authorized by BOSCH Rexroth India.)
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, REST Journal on Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
(ISSN No: 2583-4800).
- Best Faculty award, SVKM’s NMIMS for the Academic year 2014-15.
- Best Department award, SVKM’s NMIMS for Academic year 2014-15
- Secretary , International Conference on Emerging trends in Manufacturing, Engines and Modeling(ICEMEM2015), Department of Mechanical Engineering, NMIMS University, Shirpur Campus, February
- Secretary, International Conference on Emerging trends in Manufacturing, Engines and Modeling (ICEMEM2020), Department of Mechanical Engineering, NMIMS University, Shirpur Campus, December
- Associate Editor, International Journal on emerging trends in modelling and (ISSN No: - 2455-4537) 2022 -2023.
- Outstanding Teaching, NMIMS,MPSTME, Shirpur Campus,2014
Research and Publications
- K Toke , Amol Lokhande, Vishal Fegade, ‘Linkages between Critical Success Factors and Factors of Workforce Performance in Remanufacturing Industry’ In Designing Workforce Management Systems for Industry 4.0 (pp. 311-330). CRC Press.
- Varsha Nemade, Vishal Fegade ‘Machine learning techniques for breast cancer prediction’, Procedia Computer Science, 2023 - Elsevier
- Shanmugasundar, Vishal Fegade, Miroslav Mahadal, Kanak Kalita, Optimization of Variable Stiffness Joint in Robot Manipulator Using a Novel NSWOA-MARCOS Approach, Processes 2022, 10, 1074. MDPI, (SCIe).
- Vishal Fegade, Krishnakumar Gupta, M Ramchandran, A study on various fire retardant additives used for fire reinforced polymeric composites, AIP Conference Proceedings 2393, 020107 (2022),(Scopus).
- Vishal Fegade, M Ramchandran,S Madhu, A review on basalt fibre reinforced polymeric composite materials, AIP Conference Proceedings 2393, 020172 (2022),(Scopus).
- Fegade, V., Shrivastava, , Kale, A.V. and Shrivastava, R.L., Remanufacturing Feasibility of Bike Suspension by Hybrid TOPSIS-Taguchi Optimization. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2020, 71(1), pp.125-133. (Scopus)
- Fegade V, Shrivastava K, Kale AV, Shrivastava RL, Selection of loom rapier for remanufacturing using hybrid Fuzzy TOPSIS and Taguchi Optimization, Colourage, May 21 :38 (Scopus)
- Fegade V, Srivastava K, Kale AV, Srivastava RK. Feasibility Analysis of Design for Remanufacturing in bearing using Hybrid Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Taguchi Optimization. Independent Journal of Management & 2020; 11(1):81-95.(WOS)
- Fegade V, Rawal S, Ramachandran M. Metamodel-based parametric study of composite InIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 Mar 1 (Vol. 810, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP Publishing. (Scopus)
- Jeevan Kittur, M. Ramachandran, Vishal Fegade & U. Ragavendran. Numerical Investigation of Total Deformation in Roller Bearing Using ANSYS Analysis. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001,Special Issue, Aug 2018, 51-58, (Scopus)
- Shubham Paliwal, M. Ramachandran & Vishal Fegade. Numerical Investigation of Rack And Pinion for Total Deformation and Von Mises Analysis. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001,Special Issue, Dec 2018, 83-86, (Scopus)
- Dhruv Champaneria, Himanshu Goyal, Shashank Jha, Jeevan Kittur & Vishal Fegade. The Scrutiny of Different Characterization Techniques For Analysing Of Conductive Composites International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001,Special Issue, Dec 2018, 123-131, (Scopus).
- Anupama Rajput, Pradip Jamadar, M Ramachandran, Vishal Fegade. Characterization Of Banana Fibre Reinforced With PLA Composites And Its Effect On Copper Nano Powder. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001, Special Issue, Aug 2018, 7-13, (Scopus)
- Fegade Vishal, Ragavendran U, Ramachandran M. Numerical Investigation of Hybrid Helical SpringFor Total Deformation and Von Mises Analysis. International Journal of Mechanical and Production,Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001,Special Issue, Dec 2018, 181-186, (Scopus).
- Rawal S, Ramachandran M, Fegade V, Ragavendran U. Simplification of Home Automation System Using Various Sensors, Actuators and Control System. International Journal of Engineering & 2018; 7(3.1):174-7, (Scopus).
- Nemade V, Sharma B, Ramachandran M, Fegade V. Developing communication skill in a rural pharmacy Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2018; 12(4):536, (Scopus).
- Ramachandran M, Ragavendran U, Fegade V. Selection of Used Piston for Remanufacturing Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Optimization. Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining IV 2018 (pp. 61-67). IOS (Scopus).
- Vishal F, Gajanan J, Ramachandran M. Design, Modelling and Analysis of Tilted Human Powered Vehicle. In IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2018 (Vol. 377, p. 012215). (Scopus).
- Ramachandran M, Fegade V, Ragavendran U. Parameters Optimisation For Drilling Of Austenitic Stainless Steel By Taguchi Method Using Desirability Function Analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017, pp. 229–237. (Scopus).
- Ragavendran U, Mehta V, Fegade V, Ramachandran M. Dynamic Analysis of Single Fold Symmetric Composite Laminates. International Journal of civil Engineering and Technology. 2017 Nov;8(11):536-45. (Scopus).
- Ramachandran M, Fegade V, Raichurkar PP. Strategy Performance Evaluation of a Port Organisation based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making using Fuzzy Logic Method. NMIMS Management 2017 Jan 1;33:27-34.(WOS).
- Harshal Fullari,Vishal Fegade, Modeling and Analysis of Product Design and Development Process with Perspective of Remanufacturing: A Review. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(11), psp.10596-10602. (Scopus).
- Vishal Fegade, A.V.Kale, R.L.Shrivastava., 2015. Analysis of Environmental Impact on Remanufacturing in Electrical Industry. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(11), 10305-10308. (Scopus).
- Saraswat, A., Ojha, C., Fegade, V. and Loharkar, P.K., 2015. Analysis Of Hollow Helical Spring Under Compression. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(11), 10516-10521. (Scopus).
- Fulari, H., Fegade, V. and Loharkar, P.K., 2015. The Fuzzy cost benefit analysis of design for product development process with perspective of remanufacturing. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(11), p.2015. (Scopus).
- Ramachandran, M., Bansal, S., Fegade, V. and Raichurkar, P., 2015. Analysis of bamboo fibre composite with polyester and epoxy resin. International Journal on Textile Engineering & Processes, 1(4), 18-21. (Scopus).
- Fegade, V., Shrivatsava, R.L. and Kale, A.V., 2015. Design for remanufacturing: methods and their Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4-5), pp.1849-1858. (Scopus).
STTPs/Workshops Attended
- One week FDP on ‘Emerging Frontiers: Data Analytics, Generative AI, and Machine Learning’ from 06th to 10th May, 2024 at MPSTME, Shirpur, Dhule.
- International FDP on ‘21st Century: Recent trends, challenges and future roadmap for transition in technological generations’, 25th to 30th April 2024 at YCCE, Nagpur.
- Workshopon ‘Universal Human values Phase I’ from 17th to 22th July 2022 at MPSTME, Mumbai
- One week workshop on ‘Big data Analytics’ by IBM on 7th to 11th June 2021.
- ‘Challenges in Remanufacturing Process in Context of Current Industrial Scenario and Selection Method of Cores using Fuzzy TOPSIS.’ At ICDTV2030 in Feb 24 at MPSTME, Shirpur.
- One month Training on ‘Industrial Automation’ by BOSCH Rexroth India Ltd in February 2013 at Mysore.
- ‘Product Design and Development Methods and Their Influence on End-of-Life ’ Vishal Fegade, R.L. Shrivastava, Presented at National Conference ‘Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM 14)’ in June 2014 at SVNIT Surat .
- ‘Techniques used to enhance Remanufacturing through the Product Design and Development’, Vishal Fegade, L. Shrivastava, A.V.Kale , Presented at International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETiME-2016) ), at Faculty of Science and Technology, ICFAI Foundation of Higher Education, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
- Vibration analysis of Direct Oil Heater used in ships’ Vishal Fegade at ICSES 2010 at COE,,Navalnagar,
- ‘Product design and development for Remanufacturing: a literature Vishal Fegade, R.L. Shrivastava, A.V.Kale Presented at International Conference on Material processing and characteristics (ICMPC) Hyderabad in 2015 .
- ‘Study of modern approaches in Product Design with a perspective of remanufacturing.’ Vishal Fegade, R.L. Shrivastava, A.V.Kale, Presented at International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME-2017), at G.H.Patel college of Engineering and Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar , Anand, Gujrat.
- One week Workshop on Mission 10 X by Wipro and ISTE in December
- One week training at Rolta India ltd, Mumbai on PRO E’wildfire2006.
- Workshop on Outcome based Accredetation Process by NBA and SVKM’s th NMIMS in March y
- Two week ISTE approved workshop on ‘New Horizons on Engineering at J.Sanghavi College of engineering, Mumbai in June 2008.
- Two week workshop on ‘Engineering Mechanics’ by IIT Bombay and
- Two week workshop on ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by IIT Kharagpur and
- One week workshop on ‘Statistics and Data analysis for Engineers and Researchers’ at NIT 2019
- One week workshop on ‘Research Methodology’ at YCCE Nagpur,2015
Expert Talks/ Invited Lectures / Seminars / Workshops / Conferences Organized/Conducted
(As a Center Coordinator, BOSCH Rexroth Center for excellence in automation)
- Industry 4.0 (Automation and Programming), BOSCH Rexroth Center for excellence in automation, Shirpur,2022.
- IoT and Automation, BOSCH Rexroth Center for excellence in automation, Shirpur,2021.
- Industrial Automation, BOSCH Rexroth Center for excellence in automation, Shirpur,2021.
- Industrial Fluid Power and Automation, BOSCH Rexroth Center for excellence in automation, Shirpur,2020.
- Introduction to Automation for AYM Syntex/Welspun Industries, Silvassa, Gujrat,2016
- Introduction to Automation for Ganpat University, Gujrat,2016
- Mechatronics and Automation, one-week ISTE approved STTP, NMIMS, MPSTME, Shirpur,2015
- Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics, BOSCH Rexroth Center for excellence in automation,Shirpur,2014
- Introduction to Programmble Logic Controller, BOSCH Rexroth Center for excellence in automation,Shirpur,2014
Books Published
- Fundamentals of Mechatronics and Control, 2017, REST Publishers, ISBN:- 8193609700.
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2018, REST Publishers, ISBN:- 9788193609729
- Advanced Material Engineering, 2018, REST Publishers, ISBN:- 978193609712
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