PDF, Uppsala University-Sweden, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research(TIFR)-India
Ph. D, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras), Chennai
M.Sc. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
B.E. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Area of Interest
Molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE), Topological Insulators and its heterostructures devices
Work experience
- 08 Months - National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh’ as an Assistant Professor (From June’06’2021-February '06'2022).
- 2 Years – Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PDF) at Uppsala University, Sweden (15th February, 2019 – 14th February, 2021).
- 2 Years – Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PDF) at TIFR-Hyderabad (15th February, 2017 – 31st January, 2019).
Awards and Achievements
- Received "National Post-doctoral fellowship (NPDF - 2019)” from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- Received "Best Presentation award (ICMAGMA-2017)” from International conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Hyderabad, India.
- Received " International travel grant (INTERMAG-2015)” from International Magnetics Conference, Beijing, China.
Research and Publications
- Vitalii Shtender, Henry Stopfel, Daniel Hedlund, Dennis Karlsson, Rajasekhar Pothala, Björn Skårman, Fredrik Olsson, Hilmar Vidarsson, Gabriella Andersson, Peter Svedlindh, Martin Sahlberg, "Influence of nano-VC on the structural and magnetic properties of MnAlC-alloy," Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 14453, 2021.
- Nilamani Behera, Rahul Gupta, Sajid Husain, Jitendra Saha, Rajasekhar Pothala, Vineet Barwal, Vireshwar Mishra, Gabriella Andersson, Dinesh K Pandya, Sujeet Chaudhary, Rimantas Brucas, Peter Svedlindh, Ankit Kumar, "Giant spin-orbit torque efficiency in all-epitaxial heterostructures" arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09168.
- Subramanian Mathimalar, Satyaki Sasmal, Archit Bhardwaj, Sekar Abhaya, Rajasekhar Pothala, Saurabh Chaudhary, Biswarup Satpati, Karthik V Raman, "Signature of gate-controlled magnetism and localization effects at Bi2Se3/EuS interface”, npj Quantum Materials, Vol 5, pp 64, 2020
- S Mathimalar, S Sasmal, P Rajasekhar, A Bhardwaj, S Chaudhary, B Satpati, KV Raman, " Evidence of topological gap opening in the surface state of BiSe by proximity to a magnetic insulator" arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12770
- P Rajasekhar, G Markandeyulu, "Magnetization Studies on Tb–Fe and Tb–Fe–Co Thin Films" IEEE Transactions on magnetics, Vol. 5, pp:1, 2018
- P Rajasekhar, G Markandeyulu, "Magnetostriction and spin reorientation studies on Sm0. 9-xNdxPr0. 1Fe1. 93 (x= 0, 0.12, 0.2, 0.24, 0.32, 0.36) compounds” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 448, pp:82, 2018
- P Rajasekhar, K Deepak Kumar, G Markandeyulu, "Anomalous Hall effect studies on Tb–Fe thin films” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 412, pp: 201,2016
Conferences Attended
- Rajasekhar P – participated in International Conference on Digital Technology Vision 2030: Transforming Healthcare, Education and Industry (ICDTV: 2030), February 17-18, 2024, SVKM’s NMIMS, Shirpur Campus
- Rajasekhar P and Gabriella Andersson, "Fe-Ni-Al-Zr Amorphous Thin Films for Magnetic Refrigerants near Room Temperature” – presented in 64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2019 (4-8 November) which is held at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. (MMM-2019)
- Rajasekhar P and Gabriella Andersson, participated in Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS), 26-30 August, 2019 – Uppsala, Sweden
- Rajasekhar P, Markandeyulu G, "Magnetostriction and spin re-orientation studies on Sm1-xNdxPr0.1Fe1.93 (x = 0, 0.12, 0.2, 0.24, 0.32 and 0.36) compounds” – presented in International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications 2017 (1-3rd February) which is held at Hyderabad, India. (ICMAGMA-2017)
- Rajasekhar P, Markandeyulu G, "Hall Effect studies on Tb-Fe-Co Thin Films” – presented in International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications 2015 (2-4th December) which is held at VIT University, Vellore, India. (ICMAGMA-2015)
- Rajasekhar P, Markandeyulu G, "Magnetocaloric effect studies on MnSb and MnSbR0.05 (R: Nd and Er) compounds” - presented in 20th International Conference on Magnetism 2015 (5-10th July) which is held at Barcelona, Spain (ICM-2015)
- Rajasekhar P, Markandeyulu G, "Anomalous Hall effect studies on crystalline Tb-Fe thin films” – presented in 20th International Conference on Magnetism 2015 (5-10th July) which is held at Barcelona, Spain (ICM-2015)
- Rajasekhar P, Markandeyulu G, "Magnetocaloric effect studies on MnSbR0.05 (R: Gd, Tb, Dy and Ho) intermetallics” – presented in IEEE International Magnetics Conference 2015 (11-15th May) which is held at Beijing, China (INTERMAG 2015)
- Rajasekhar P, Markandeyulu G, "Hall Effect studies of Tb-Fe metallic thin Films” – presented in International Symposium for Research Scholars 2014 (11-13th December) which is held at IC&SR, IITMadras (ISRS-2014)
- Rajasekhar P, Markandeyulu G, "Effect of Substrate Temperature on Anomalous Hall Effect in Tb-Fe thin Films” – presented in International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications 2014 (15-17th September) which is held at Pondicherry. (ICMAGMA-2014)
- Rajasekhar P – participated in Enhancing Self Potential - Upgrading Teaching Learning Skill, 20th June to 24th June, 2023, SVKM’s NMIMS, Shirpur Campus
- Rajasekhar P – participated in National Faculty Development Program on Grant Writing, IPR, AND Publication Strategies, 31st July – 05th August, 2023, School of Technology Management & Engineering NIMIMS INDORE
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