Area of Interest
- Business Communication
- Managerial Communication
- Marketing Management
- Consumer Behavior
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Sales Management
- Organizational Communication
- Marketing Management
- Basics of Marketing
- Principles of Management
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Interpersonal Communication
- Cross Cultural Communication
Work experience
Present Service
- Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (SVKM’s NMIMS MUMBAI), MPSTME, Shirpur Campus (Maharashtra) Working as Associate Professor in Management from 16 April 2016 till date.
- ICFAI, Hyderabad ICFAI National College (INC), (June 2004 to April 2010) Gwalior served as a Center Co-ordinator / Senior Faculty / Business Communication.
- IILM- College of Management Studies, Greater Noida (UP) as an Associate Professor in Business Communication for PGDM Program. (November, 2010- July 2012).
- ITM University, Gwalior- as Senior Faculty in English/Communication in Dept of Humanities for teaching in Engg/MBA Programs. (July 2012 – April 2016).
- Worked as Visiting Faculty/Faculty for Various Institutions (August 1998- March 2001) Institute of Technology and Management (Gwalior), Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Institute of Tech. & Sciences. (Datia) (July 2001 to June 2002)
- ShriRam College of Engineering & Mgmt. (Morena) (July 2002 to December 2002) I M S Engineering College (Ghaziabad) (January 2003 to May 2004)
Professional Membership
- Member of Gwalior Management Association, GMA since 2008 (A body of AIMA-CME New Delhi) and participated time to time in Various Workshops.
- Member of English Language Teachers Association of India (ELTAI), Chennai.
- Member of ‘Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies’ (IACLALS)..
Awards and Achievements
- Awarded Best Faculty for Business Communication in West Zone (India) in Annual Academic Conference at Puri, Odessa (17 February, 2008).
- Awarded Merit Scholarship by Govt. of M P on having Topped / First Rank in Graduation (B.A. Hons, English).
- Awarded Merit Scholarship by Govt. of Madhya Pradesh on having Topped / First Rank in Post Graduation (M.A. English).
- Awarded Best Paper Award by the house of IMDR Journal of Management Development, Pune.
Industrial Projects/Consultancy undertaken
- Punj Lloyd – Conducted 4 Days Training Program on English Speaking & Managerial Skills Training (For 17/18/19/20. 09. 2009) at Executive Development Center, Gwalior.
- Reliance Insurance Company Ltd. – Training on Top Ten Sales Mistakes to Sales Managers at Gwalior Branch.
- Max New York Life Insurance Ltd. – Training on Positive Attitude Adds to Generate Sales- As a Guest Speaker in GO meet at Hotel Regency, Gwalior.
- Punj Lloyd- 7 Days MDP on Communication Development Training at EDC.
- ICA- Institute of Computer Accountants - Training Workshop on Interview Skills at Gwalior
- Wordz Unlimited- A Consultancy – 3 Days Training on Stress Management, Team Work, & Art of Convincing Customers.
- Dainik Bhaskar- 02 Days Training on ‘Employee Satisfaction & Positive Attitude’ 26& 27 Nov. 2008
- Bajaj Allianz Insurance Company Ltd. – Training to Sales Managers on Staying Positive & How to Succeed in Tough Work Environment.
- Conducted Faculty Development Program on 16 March 2015 on Developing Communication Skills on the Topic Identifying, Understanding and Implementing Communication Components from Teachers’ Perspective: A Framework, organized by ITM University, Gwalior in Association with National Institute of Technical Training and Research, Chandigarh.
Research and Publications.
Journal Publications:
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Compatible Modeling of Teaching Business Communication in Indian B-Schools: A Framework”, Published in International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM, Inderscience Journal), Vol. 9, No. 4, 2014.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Comprehensive Modeling of Communication Barriers: A Conceptual Framework”, Published in ICFAI University Press (IUP) Journal Soft Skills. The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, Vol. VI, No. 3, 2012.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. ‘Identifying Major Components of Business Communication and Its Relevance: A Framework’, Published in ICFAI University Press, The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, Volume VI, No 4, 2012.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay, "Rainbow Workforce- Exploring the Macro Contributors of Cross Cultural Conflicts in Global Multicultural Business Organizations”, Transstellar - International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research (IJHRMR); ISSN (Print):2249-6874; Vol. 2 Issue 4 Dec - 2012 59-68, Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9966.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Workplace Communication and Its Functions in Determining Organizational Relations” Published in Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (ZIRAF), ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.3 (1), January (2013) Online available at
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Extreme Demands of Soft Skills and Its Essentiality for Contemporary Workforce” Published in VSRD International Journal of Business and Management Research,, e-ISSN : 2231-248X, ISSN : 2319-2194 3 Issue No. 3 March (2013).
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Communication Model Re-Engineered with Focused Fabrication of the Entire Communication Process: A Framework”. Published in Journal of Global Communication (JoGC), Vol. 6, No. 1, ISSN (Print) 0974-0600, ISSN (Online) 0976-2442, January- June 2013 Issue.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Compatible Modeling of Multi-Level Usages of English Skills for Engineering Students: A Conceptual Framework”. Published in International Research Journal of Humanities, Engineering and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJHEPS), Year-3, Vol-II, Issue-6 ISBN:978-81-909047-9-7, p-ISSN:2249-2569, e-ISSN:2320-2955.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Problem of Soft Skills in Indian Workforce, India Fights Back: An Eye-opener Study” published in Indian Journal of Management and Indian Business Studies (IJMIBS), ISSN 2277 – 3177, Volume 1, Issue 1, October, 2013. PP 35-56
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "3 Questions on How Potentiality of Communication Can Lead to Managerial Effectiveness for Global Business Practitioners”, published in IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Business Management (IJRBM, US), ISSN(E): 2321-886X; ISSN(P): 2347-4572, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Feb 2014, 77-84
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Browning’s Influence on the Subsequent Course of English Poetry: A Critical Estimation” Paper published in Thematics Journal of English Criticism, Volume 1, Issue 4, August 2012.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Analysis of Browning’s Poetic Milestone ‘The Ring and the Book’ focusing on the Excellent Characterization of Pompilia: A Critical Assessment” Paper published in The Criterion: An International journal in English. ISSN (0976-8165) Vol. III, Issue IV (Dec. 2012)
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Robert Browning’s Treatment of Love in Earlier Poems: A Critical Assessment” Published in The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies (TJELLS), Volume1, Issue IV, ISSN 2249-2151.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Exploring the Constant Efforts of Girish Karnad, Focusing on the Critical Assessment of Reviving Myths and Legends for Indian Drama Legacy” published in Thematics Journal of Indian Literature, a quarterly journal (ENGLISH) published ISSN No. 2231-4865, Volume II, Issue 3, September 2012.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Robert Browning’s Treatment of Love in Later Course of Poems, Showcasing Stage of Poet’s Maturity: A Critical Assessment” published in International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities (IJELLH), ISSN No. 2321-7065, Volume –II, Issue-I April 2014, PP 269-280.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. Your Words, My Name – The Sinful Art of Concealing the Source: Plagiarism & Students.” Published in IMDR Journal of Management Development and Research, Volume1, Issue 1, ISSN 2349-0802. May 2014, pp 56-59.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Integrated Elements of Sex and Sensuality in the Poetry of Robert Browning: A Critical Approach” publication in IUP Journal of English Studies, The IUP Journal of English Studies, Vol. IX, No. 3, 2014.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay, "The Amalgamated Themes in Girish Karnad’s Plays and Its Intertwined Relevance in Modern Life Panorama: A Critical Perspective”, Submitted to Literaria: An International Journal of New Literature Across the World (ISSN 2229-4600), Bahri Publications, Creative Forum VOL. 27, NO. 2, JUL-DEC 2014.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Know How of Marketing Communication and Its Integrative Tools.” Submitted to Journal of Business Communication (JBC), Sage Publications, U.K. Being refereed, submitted on 22 March 2016.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Exploring the Behavioral Meaning of Strong Communication Skills”. Submitted to Business Communication Quarterly (BCQ, Sage Publications, U.K.), Being refereed, submitted on 26 July, 2018.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "The Extreme Role of Social Media in Restructuring Corporate Communications”. Submitted to Journal of Business Communication (JBC, Sage Publications, U.K.), Being refereed, submitted on 22 April, 2018.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. Estimation of Doubt and Certainty in the Academic Writings of Management Students with a Focus on Gender Differences, published in Journal of English Studies (JES), Thammasat University, Rangsit, ISSN: ISSN: 1865-8646, Volume 11, 2016 (December). PP 126-165, Thailand.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. Unplagiarized Writing- Understanding, Protecting and Staying Original: Students & Academia, published in International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Vol. 3, No 4, ISSN 2091-2986 (2016), Nepal. Scientific Journal Impact Factor (Inno Space): 4.136. Cosmos Impact Factor: 3.569. Global Impact Factor: 0.567
- Dr Sanjay, Jain. Dr Monika, Kumar Prof Ravindra Kumar The Macro Theme Review of Emerging Trends in Management Education published in souvenir of One Day International Conference on Recent Trends and Practices in Science, Humanities & Management: Professional Education Perspective on 18 February 2016 at SVKM’s NMIMS, Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management (MPSTME) Shirpur Campus.
- Dr Sanjay. Adwani. Ms Priya. Analysis of Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition. Accepted for publication International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Vol. 3, No 4, ISSN 2091-2986 (2016), Nepal. Scientific Journal Impact Factor (Inno Space): 4.136. Cosmos Impact Factor: 3.569. Global Impact Factor: 0.567. July 2017.
- Dr Sanjay. Adwani. Ms Priya. Feministic Identity in the Gulf of Traditional and Modern Aspects Volume 6 , Issue 7 July, 2018 ISSN 2321-7065, IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) UGC approved journal, SJIF Impact Factor: 5.7, July, 2018.
- Dr Sanjay. A Brief and Systematic Study of Marketing Communication Efforts from Beginning to the Present Age, International Journal of Current Research Vol. 10, Issue, 10, pp.74297-74300, October, 2018: ISSN 0975- 833X, DOI:, Index Copernicus ICV 2016 = 72.25, ISI Indexing 2017- 1.012. Impact Factor 7.749. October, 2018.
- Dr Sanjay. A Brief and Systematic Study of Marketing Communication Tools and Practices in the Present Age. |Published in EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review, Volume - 7, Issue- 2, February 2019 e-ISSN: 2347 - 9671| p- ISSN: 2349 - 0187 -Peer Reviewed Journal. February 2019.
- Dr Sanjay., The Changing Perception Of Marketing Communication Tools & Purpose, EPRA, International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), |Issue: 11 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online), Vol: 5, Nov 2020, EPRA Publishing EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) - Peer Reviewed Journal, SJIF Impact Factor: 7.001, ISI I.F.Value:1.241, e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671|p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 -Peer Reviewed Journal.
- Dr Sanjay. An Overview of Marketing Communication Strategy: A Descriptive Study. Published in International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 12, Issue, 10, pp.14502-14504, October, 2020, DOI:,, ISSN: 0975-833X
- Dr Sanjay. Employability Skills for Engineering Graduates: A Formula to Success in the Era of Science and Technology, IJIRT 158628, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY© March 2023| IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2349-6002,
- Dr Sanjay. (Book Chapter) Shrivastava. The IT-Revolution & Marketing Communication: A Descriptive Study, Research Methodology in Multidisciplinary Subjects in India 2023, Bright MP Publisher, March 2023, Author/Editor Dr. Vishnu Balkrushna Wahatule,
National Conferences / Proceedings
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "A Doorway To El Dorado- An Analysis Of The Positive Impact Of Communication In Professional Career”, awarded First Prize All Across India Level Competition (2005), National Competition on Current Issues- December, 2005, ICFAI University, Hyderabad
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Liderazgo in Digital Age - Nurturing Vision 2020- an Analytical Study on Emerging Trends and Transition in Leadership", National Conference, Ins of Comm & Management, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, ISBN : 978-81-8182-209-3
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Management Education: Trends in Business Schools”, Sponsored by- UGC, Central Regional Office (CRO) Bhopal, Organized by - PG Dept of Commerce & Management, Govt PG Lead College, Sheopur (MP), National Conference dated March 12-13, 2011. ISBN: 978-81-8182-508-7
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Trends and Development in Management Education”, National Conference sponsored by- UGC, Central Regional Office (CRO) Bhopal, Organized by - PG Dept of Commerce & Management, Govt PG Lead College, Sheopur (MP) Dated - March 12-13, 2011. ISBN: 978-81-8182-508-7
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Management Education: Opportunities and Challenges in 2020”, National Conference on Contemporary Issues & Emerging Trends in Management & Technology, United Institute of Management, Greater Noida (UP). ISBN: 978-81-908869-3-2
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Importance of Verbal communication in Business Communication”, Interdisciplinary National Conference on Recent Trends in Humanities & Commerce organized by MSKS Degree College of Arts & Commerce, Kalyan (W) in collaboration with MGE & W Society’s Center for Hmanities & Cultural Studies, Kalyan (W) held on 25 September 2016
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. CONVENER for One Day International Conference on Recent Trends and Practices in Science, Humanities & Management: Professional Education Perspective on 18 February 2016 at SVKM’s NMIMS, Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management (MPSTME) Shirpur Campus.
- International Conferences / Proceedings
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "An Approach to 'The Crescent Moon' As A Creation Beyond Time”, International Conference, (CCS University) Charan Singh University, Meerut
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Customer Relationship Management and Its Contribution in Organizational Growth”, International Conference on Enhancing Organizational Growth Through Innovation & Creativity: Issues, Opportunities & Challenges”, Amity University, Haryana, Excel Publications, Delhi. ISBN: 978-9381361-02-3
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "IMC and Its Imperative Functioning for Sustainable Organizational Growth ”, International Conference on Transformation and Survival of Business Organization: Challenges and Opportunities Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior on December 28 - 30, 2011, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior on December 28 - 30, 2011, Macmillan Publishers India Pvt. ISBN: 978-935-059-061-4
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Soft Skills: Re-Skilling the Technical Wizard”, International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats- Looking Ahead, Department of Professional Development, Jaypee University, Solan.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. "Communication and Its Implications on Intertwined Organizational Relations: An Empirical Study”, Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research, New Delhi, XIII Annual International Seminar on ETHICS, MORALITY, AND SPIRITUALITY at Delhi. Paper Presented on 4 January 2012.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. Participated in International Symposium on Knowledge & Communication (ISKCOM-2016 jointly organized by SVKM’s NMIMS & Information & Communication Department, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
- Shrivastava, Dr Sanjay. ‘Communication Intelligence in Interactional Access: A Study in Healthcare Perspective’Participated in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Health Care organized by SVKM’s NMIMS. Held on 27-28 December 2016 at SVKM’s NMIMS, Mukesh Patel Technology Park.
STTPs/Workshops Attended
Sr. No. |
Name of the Faculty Member |
Name of the Conference / Seminar / Workshop |
Date |
Place |
Organising Body / Inst. |
1 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
Participated in E-SEMINAR on Research & Ethics
8th July 2020, |
Indore |
Department of Applied Science, SAGE Institute of Research & Technology, SAGE University Indore and received Certificate. |
2 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
Participated in Online Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator (CMIE Program) awarded Microsoft in Education certificate in recognition of membership in the: Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, Completed: and received certificate by Anthony Salcito Vice President, Worldwide Education. |
7/7/2020 |
Mumbai |
Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator (CMIE Program) |
3 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
One-week webinar series on "Emerging Trends in Computer Engineering” |
20-26 July 2020 |
MPSTME Shirpur Campus (MH) |
NMIMS, MPSTME Shirpur Campus |
4 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
National Conclave on New Face of Education |
01-02.August.2020 |
Bhopal (MP) |
SAGE University, Bhopal (MP) |
5 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
"Boosting Immunity With Ayurveda” |
12th May, 2020. |
Mumbai |
Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai
6 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
Four Day Soft Skills
Online Training Program |
20th, 22nd, 24th & 27th July, 2020 |
Online (from Bhuj-Kachchh) |
Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University, Bhuj-Kachchh in collaboration
with Business Excellence Inc. USA. |
7 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
"Adopting the New Normal and Gearing Up for Future” |
05.07.2021 |
Dhule (MH) |
Dhule SVKM’s NMIMS School of Commerce, Dhule Campus |
8 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
"Boosting Immunity With Ayurveda” |
12th May, 2020. |
Mumbai |
Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai
9 |
Dr Sanjay Shrivastava |
On "Use of Smart Tools for Effective & Interactive Teaching” |
May 08, 2023 |
SVKM’s, NMIMS, SPTM, Shirpur Campus |
SVKM’s, NMIMS, SPTM, Shirpur Campus |
Expert Talks/ Invited Lectures / Seminars / Workshops / Conferences Organized/Conducted
- Punj Lloyd – Conducted 4 Days Training Program on English Speaking & Managerial Skills Training (For 17/18/19/20. 09. 2009) at Executive Development Center, Gwalior.
- Reliance Insurance Company Ltd. – Training on Top Ten Sales Mistakes to Sales Managers at Gwalior Branch.
- Max New York Life Insurance Ltd. – Training on Positive Attitude Adds to Generate Sales- As a Guest Speaker in GO meet at Hotel Regency, Gwalior.
- Punj Lloyd- 7 Days MDP on Communication Development Training at EDC.
- ICA- Institute of Computer Accountants - Training Workshop on Interview Skills at Gwalior
- Wordz Unlimited- A Consultancy – 3 Days Training on Stress Management, Team Work, & Art of Convincing Customers.
- Dainik Bhaskar- 02 Days Training on ‘Employee Satisfaction & Positive Attitude’ 26& 27 Nov. 2008
- Bajaj Allianz Insurance Company Ltd. – Training to Sales Managers on Staying Positive & How to Succeed in Tough Work Environment.
- Conducted Faculty Development Program on 16 March 2015 on Developing Communication Skills on the Topic Identifying, Understanding and Implementing Communication Components from Teachers’ Perspective: A Framework, organized by ITM University, Gwalior in Association with National Institute of Technical Training and Research, Chandigarh.
Extra/Co-Curricular Activities
Coordinator of BEC Program
Experience of Teaching, Liaison and Conducting BEC Program (A certificate course by University of Cambridge, UK & British Council, Delhi, ESOL Examinations)
Prestigious Cambridge ESOL Business English Certificates (BEC) is an internationally recognized qualification in English for work. It is trusted by employers and universities in more than 60 countries. Cambridge ESOL is a department of the University of Cambridge and is the world’s leading provider of international English Language Qualifications for all learners of English.
Three Levels of BEC
- BEC Preliminary is for candidates who have limited confidence in their English. It includes test of LSRW Skills.
- BEC Vantage is for candidates who have good confidence and fluency. It includes test of LSRW skills.
- BEC Higher is an advance level certificate for candidates can use English very confidently in all professional and social situations. There are separate assignments in LSRW skills
I have the entire experience and exposure of running this Program at the Campus successfully.
- Ability to train students at all three levels with efficient output (Potential Trainer Profile).
-Registering students with the course.
-Correspondence with the University of Cambridge (British Council).
-Arranging course material.
-Teaching pedagogy.
-Conducting exams.
-Helping students to win the prestigious certificate through smooth conduction.
- Reviewer of reputed Journal: Education+ Training by the house of Emerald Insight (EMERALD).
- Reviewer of reputed Journal: Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal by the house of Emerald Insight (EMERALD).
- Reviewer- Management Teaching Review (MTR)-Sage Publication. UK
- Editorial Member of Thematic Journal of Commerce & Management
- Editorial Member of the Journal IJEL (International Journal of English Literature).
- Editorial Member of Express, an International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.
Official Email Id
LinkedIn/Google Scholar Profile: