Ph.D (Math)- Aligarh Muslim University
Post Graduation (Math)- University of Kashmir
Bachelors-(Math)- University of Kashmir
Work experience
Assistant Professor in Islamic University of Science and Technology ( 28/09/2018 01/011/2023).
Research and Publications
- Tawseef Rashid, Qamrul Haq Khan and Hassen Aydi, On Strong Coupled Coincidence Points of g-Coupling and an Application, Journal of Function Spaces, Volume 2018, Article ID 4034535. (SCIE)
- Tawseef Rashid, Qamrul haq Khan, Nabil Mlaiki and Hassen Aydi, Some Non contractive Maps on Incomplete Metric Spaces Have Also Fixed Points, Journal of Function Spaces, 6 August 2019, (SCIE).
- Hassen Aydi, Tawseef Rashid, Qamrul Haq Khan, Zead Mustafa and M.M.M. Jaradat, Fixed Point Results Using F t -Contractions in Ordered Metric Spaces Having t-Property, SYMMETRY, 11(313) (2019), (SCIE).
- Tawseef Rashid, M.M.M. Jaradat, Qamrul Haq Khan, Zoran D. Mitrovic, Hassen Aydi and Zead Mustafa, A New approach in context of ordered incom- plete partial b-metric space, Open Mathematics, (18) 996-1005 (2020) (SCIE).
- Tawseef Rashid, Qamrul Haq Khan, Hassen Aydi, Habes Alsamir, Mohd Selmi Noorani, t-Property of Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (41) 422-433 (2019) (Scopus).
- Hassen Aydi, Erdal karapinar, zoran mitrovic and Tawseef Rashid, A re- mark on "Existence and uniqueness for a neutral differential problem with un- bounded delay via fixed point results F -metric spaces”, RACSAM (113) 3197- 3206 (2019) (SCIE).
- Hassen Aydi, M.A. Barakat, Erdal Karapinar, Zoran D. Mitrovic and Tawseef Rashid, On L-simulation mappings in partial metric spaces, AIMS Math- ematics, 4(4) 1034-1045 (2019). (SCIE).
- Tawseef Rashid, Nof T Alharbi, Qamrul Haq Khan, hassen Aydi and Cenap ozel, Order-Theoretic metrical coincidence theorems involving (φ, ψ)- contractions, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, 9(5) 119-135 (2018), (ESCI)(SCOPUS).
- Tawseef Rashid and Q.H. Khan Strong Coupled Fixed point For (φ, ψ)- Contraction Type Coupling in Metric Spaces, International Journal Of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 1, 473-489, Feb. 2018.
- Tawseef Rashid and Mohsin Ilahi, Strong Coupled Fixed Point For Couplings in Multiplicative Metric Spaces, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue VIII, 757-765 Aug. 2018.
- Qamrul Haq Khan and Tawseef Rashid, Coupled Coincidence Point of φ- Contraction type T-Coupling in Partial Metric Spaces, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, 9(1) 136-149 (2018), (ESCI)(SCOPUS).
- M. Alanazi, Q.H. Khan S.Ali, T. Rashid, F.Khan, On Coupled Coincidence points in Multiplicative Metric Spaces with an Application, Non-Linear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol. 28, No. 3 (2023), pp. 775-791 (SCOPUS).
- Alshammari, S. Ali, Q.H. Khan, Tawseef Rashid, Cenap Ozel, Metrical Fixed Point Results on b-multiplicative metric spaces employing binary relation, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2023), pp. 2405-2418 (SCOPUS).
- Ibtesam Alshammari, Tawseef Rashid, Inci M. Erhan, Fixed point results in incomplete extended b-metric space with t-property, (accepted for publication) (2023) Filomat. (SCI)
- Tawseef Rashid, Hijaz Ahmad, M.M.M. Jaradat and Esra Yolacan, On Prime Counting Functions Using Odd $K$-Almost Primes, (accepted for publication)(2023) European Journal of Pure and Applied (Scopus).
- Tawseef Rashid "Generalized symmetric MEIR-KEELER and BANACH type couplings and their applications’’ accepted for publication Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis(SCI) (2024).
- Tawseef Rashid "On extended $b$-Metric Spaces: Relaxing Completeness Criterion and Exploring Behavior’’ Under review in Journal of Mathematical Analysis (SCOPUS and WOS) (2024).
STTPs/Workshops Attended
- "Annual Foundation School (AFS-II)”, Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozikhode, 08 May-03 June , 2017.
- Paper presented in International conference on Analysis and its applications organized by Aligarh Muslim university under UGC-DRS program on 20-22 November 2017.International Conference on Algebra and its Applications, A.M.U., 12-14 Nov 2016.
- International workshop on Convex Analysis and Optimization organized by Aligarh Muslim university from 14-19 November 2017.
- National Workshop on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications, Central University of Kerala, 13-14 Oct 2016.
- Paper presented in 11th international conference on researches in Science, Technology and Management organized by Osmania University centre for international program on 11-03-2018.
- Paper presented in international conference organized by IIMT College of engineering, Greater Noida on 16-02-2018.
- Paper presented in 1st international conference on Multidisciplinary research at NIILM University, Kaithal, Haryana on 4th - 5th August 2018.
- Participated 2 day national seminar on " The Language & Methods of Mathematical Sciences” organized by Department of Mathematical sciences, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora from 24-25 March 2022.
- Participation in 5-day "Summer Training Program on Advanced Pedagogy and Digital Tools” from 13th may to 17th may, 2019, held at IIT Kanpur.
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